Who We Are

OSB Company is proudly recognized as the #1 Dedicated Job Fair organizer in the entire country. After eight years of successfully creating large-scale job expos, we have decided to implement an even better strategy that we truly believe will assist all companies in achieving successful recruiting outcomes. Our dedicated team's primary goal is to help organizations facilitate individual dedicated job fair events specifically tailored for their unique hiring needs. We prioritize your company's recruiting objectives so that you can attract the top job seekers available in the marketplace. We thoroughly understand your hiring goals, especially in relation to your overall company's growth and development.

Dedicated Job Fairs:

OSB Company places a high value on Dedicated Job Fairs customized for businesses aiming to recruit top talent. These job fairs create an ideal interview setting for job seekers actively looking for opportunities. Our main goal is to connect skilled professionals with the requirements of our partners by arranging a tailor-made Dedicated Job Fair experience for your recruiting team. All our events occur at Marriott and hotel partner locations, offering a professional and inviting environment for successful recruitment efforts. 

Dedicated Job Fair Proposal Presentation:

  • Proposal Presentation Intro

  • Who We Are

  • Our Team

  • Dedicated Job Fair

  • Dedicated Services

  • Who's Who

Our Services

  • Included in your package

    + Hotel event conference room with 6 or 8 foot table.

    +Unlimited interview room access.

    +Registration check-in table with OSB Greeter.

    +Event marketing budget to attract job seekers.

    +Hotel coffee, water, and snacks for attendee’s and staff.

  • Job Seeker Demographics

    +Experienced Professionals.

    +Recent Graduates.

    +Skilled Industry Workers.

    +Executive Managers.

    +Entry Level Contributors.

Company Registration Form

Are you interested in organizing and participating in a dedicated job fair specifically for your company? If you are, please take a moment to fill out the registration form provided below, so we can begin the planning process together.

The Job Fair Guy:

The Job Fair Guy is dedicated to serving as a crucial link between companies and job seekers, ensuring mutual success in securing employment. OSB Dedicated Job Fairs warmly invite individuals searching for opportunities and companies eager to fill open positions. Count on our team to provide valuable support at every event, enhancing your recruiting experience.

OSB Company is here to provide comprehensive support for all of your recruitment needs, ensuring you find the right candidates efficiently and effectively.